Let us help you “do it right”.

Successful member and stakeholder communication form a key part of an overarching promotional and communications strategy.

Promotion & Communications

What you say about your Association, and the way in which you say it, are important, both to you and to the recipients of your communication. The better your communication is, the better your results will be. We've been assisting clients with this important function since 1967. Here is what we can do to support you.


Marketing and promotional strategy implementation is key to a successful outreach to members and other stakeholders.  We have extensive experience in this area, helping Associations focus their promotional efforts and build brand awareness to add to their strength.  We work with you to “make it happen” by:

  • Assisting with content, layout and writing for promotional pieces such as brochures, letters, media releases and advertisements
  • Identify and book advertisements in appropriate external media, if necessary
  • Ensuring all internal and external communications contain your central message and are graphically consistent to build brand awareness
  • Supplying creative services to you for website development, both in-house (identifying and writing content) and through strategic partners (site design and page layout)
  • Monitoring the success of your marketing and promotional efforts
  • Assisting with member surveys, to provide input on important issues

Your promotional and marketing messages are a major opportunity to put your best foot forward, so you want to do what is best, and make sure it works.  Your team, headed by your Executive or Operations Director, will help you identify, marshal and manage all the necessary components of a successful promotional campaign to build on your organization’s strengths and cement and enhance its position in the marketplace.

Member Communications and Website Management

Reaching out to members and others in a clear, consistent fashion is crucial to your success.  Whether you use magazines/journals, e-mail newsletters, social networking, in-house book publishing, or a website (or, most likely, a mixture of all of them), you want to ensure you manage your communication so it is professional, timely, on-message and supportive of your brand.  Working with clients since 1967, we have helped them achieve these and more, by:

  • Identifying and evaluating potential communications initiatives
  • Managing communications to ensure everything is graphically consistent and contains your core message, to support your brand
  • Managing book publishing process from working with authors to keep them on deadline, through to the final sale of the finished book through your bookstore
  • Helping manage the creative and operational aspects of other media:
    • E-newsletters and other e-blasts
    • Magazine/journal
    • Listserv or web-based discussion forum
    • Social media (Twitter, Facebook, Linked-In, Zoom Info, etc.)
  • Managing external websites:
    • Ensuring site design and page layout meet Association needs and support the brand
    • Keeping content fresh, literate, and interesting
    • Setting up on-line job postings/careers wanted areas
    • Managing a “members-only” area on the site
    • Developing a search engine optimization program, to help their sites appear early on Google and Yahoo listings for their key search terms